Douglas Adams


When I was a kid, I dreamed that one day I would travel around the world with Douglas Adams being his biologist advisor when he did his next installment of "Last Chance to See." To those who don't know Douglas Adams, he was an amazingly hilarious and talented writer who wrote such masterpieces as The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy and Dirk Gently's Detective Agency. He was also sponsored once to travel worldwide and write a book about nearly extinct species. Due to his efforts, his coauthor Mark Carwardine, and that of the BBC, some of these species got the funding and help they needed and recovered, and some, unfortunately, did not. 

Another thing that you may or may not know is that Douglas Adams died at the young age of 49 in 2001 from a heart attack following his regular workout routine, and the world lost a very talented writer

So my dreams of a collaboration were never meant to be. That does not, however, mean that I can not follow in his footsteps, of sorts. I am not nearly as funny or talented but I am passionate about wildlife and the natural world. So, while I will never be able to work with him directly, I hope he knew the kind of inspiration he provided while alive and long after his death.

My ultimate goal with this is to raise money and awareness of all the different, perhaps not as charismatic, species that are out there. In an age of drastic climatic change and extinctions often caused by human actions, I believe knowledge is the best defense and hope for the future.

I turn 42 this year, my Douglas Adams birthday. Seems apt that I would start this endeavor I dreamed of so long ago this year.


An Introduction